How to determine the maturity level of your CRM system?

How to determine the maturity level of your CRM system

Despite the fact that companies are actively working on the implementation of powerful CRM systems, more than 47% of this process fails. Why is the success rate so low even when companies follow all the best practices?

The problem arises mainly from the misidentification of goals and is compounded by the fact that many companies are unable to analyze the maturity of their internal processes before starting to implement them.

The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) helps you understand the level of development of your organization and its business processes, and accurately determine the goals of implementing a CRM system. We will just discuss it.

Maturity concept

The term “maturity” refers to the degree of formality and optimization of processes ranging from one-off practices to continuous optimization processes.

XRM Vision gives the following definition of maturity: “The maturity model is a system of levels that describe how stable processes can be in a company and the desired results are achieved, regardless of who is the executor of a particular task.”

In other words, the maturity model allows a company to understand at what level a particular business process is and to optimize it.

5 levels of maturity

All of your processes are at different levels of maturity. First of all, it is important to optimize those of them that are key to the normal functioning of your business, as well as to create an effective CRM system.

The business process maturity assessment model consists of 5 levels.

1. Beginner

Processes are characterized by randomness and unpredictability. They are poorly documented and implemented through the efforts of individuals. If these employees leave the company, it will be very difficult for those who remain to repeat the processes.

How can you tell if your company is at this level? Key metric: In order for you to understand the process, you need to ask the person who is managing it.

2. Repeatable

The company is able to repeat processes and get predictable and consistent results. Different people can perform these processes, which reduces the risks. However, since this process is still poorly documented, it is unlikely that it will be strictly followed (even though knowledge is shared across the company).

Key metrics: The same tasks may be performed in the same way by different employees, but the knowledge is still not documented.

3. Installed

The processes are documented and can be performed by everyone. Thanks to this standardization, the company can control these processes and significantly reduce the risks.

Key indicators:

  • your processes are documented;
  • the documentation is practically unchanged;
  • you believe that these processes will be effective, although you do not have data to support your expectations.

4. Managed

Processes are measured and monitored. Performance analysis ensures sustainable and continuous improvement of business processes.

Key indicators:

  • performance reports are prepared on a regular basis;
  • processes are constantly being improved;
  • The improvement of these processes depends on management decisions.

5. Optimizable

The processes are monitored and continuously optimized based on the feedback received. Their optimization can be automated or can occur at the initiative of executives. The company fully controls the tasks that these processes were supposed to solve and their implementation.

Key indicators:

  • the efficiency of the processes is constantly increasing;
  • some processes are automated;
  • changes are systematically made to processes;
  • optimization decisions are based on proven data.


With this model, you can easily determine the maturity of your company and plan an effective implementation of a CRM system at any time. We remind you that to automate processes in your company, you can integrate a landing page with a CRM system so that leads from specific landing pages get into your client base in the system. And since one of the functions of CRM is customer management, this integration will save you valuable time. Enjoy!

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