Best WhatsApp Status About Brother In Law

As you know, relatives are not chosen, but sometimes you want to! Share with your friends your opinion about your husband’s dearest person – funny WhatsApp statuses about the brother-in-law that will make you laugh and think.

Brother Or Enemy?

Life and topical Whatsapp status about the husband’s brother – tell us about your brother-in-law. Perhaps this will make him think about something and reconsider his behavior!

1. Some brothers are like brothers, and my husband’s brother is like a stranger…

2. Brothers are needed to help each other, not to beg for money… well, you know who I mean now, right?

3. Today my brother-in-law was so happy about his divorce… and a bad example, as you know, is contagious!

4. The husband says that as a child, he and his brother were the worst enemies. And I look at them and I can’t even believe it.

5. The upbringing of children depends solely on their parents. It does not happen that one brother is an a**hole, and the other is an a**hole.

6. A brother is the most understanding creature in the world. Only don’t tell my husband this…

7. My husband has two brothers. Just like in a fairy tale… but something tells me that it was me who got the fool.

8. Who Said Families Don’t Choose? My husband chose his own family. And as for the rest, I don’t know.

9. Real brothers have no secrets from each other.

10. My brother-in-law seems to think that my husband and I are obliged to take care of him by the grave…

11. Sometimes, to help a husband deal with his brother-in-law, it is better to remain silent.

12. You look at the photograph of the brother-in-law on social media and he is all such a stately man, smart, handsome… but in life, he is an a**hole with problems with alcohol.

13. My brother-in-law gave me a whole angry lecture about how I dress too provocatively…

14. And I was lucky with my husband’s family, my parents are cool, my brother is cool!

15. The happiness of brothers-in-law and other strangers should not be worth the happiness of your family!

16. Sometimes it seems to me that my husband loves his brother more than me …

17. The most offensive thing is when your brother betrays you! And friends and all sorts of acquaintances are so…

One Big Family

Is your brother-in-law a wonderful person or that radish? Share your opinion about your brother-in-law – quotes that will tell the whole truth!

1. My brother-in-law is the most annoying person in the world. But for some reason, we start to miss him as soon as he walks out the door…

2. You can talk indefinitely about brotherly love, but the beloved woman should always be closer to the body!

3. Some brothers are worse than enemies… especially my brother-in-law!

4. If you want to befriend your husband’s family, start with your brother-in-law. And the rest of the tongue-tongued devil will talk!

5. Is that why this is so? All families are like families, and in ours, what is not a relative is an alcoholic…

6. The brother-in-law says that it is more pleasant for him to give than to receive… but for some reason, he does not lend money!

7. It would seem that brothers should be best friends for each other, and my husband and his brother see each other once every six months… and then on the next birthday.

8. Friends come and go, but relatives stay. Do not quarrel with your brothers!

9. As the wife of a husband from a large family, I can say that it is better to take husbands from orphanages!

10. Better to have a decent neighbor than a freeloader brother-in-law!

11. Rumor has it that women fall for idiots… And you know, looking at my brother-in-law, I quite believe it myself. A terrible person and women don’t give him a pass.

12. The elder brother is like a father, only he does not give money!

13. Today my brother-in-law came in tears. They thought something had happened, but he just broke a bottle of moonshine…

14. My husband is very worried about his brother, who decided to move out from his parents and start living on his own. Brother 32 years old…

15. Sooner or later, your husband’s relatives will leave you alone, just be patient!

16. Somehow it so happened that the dearest person for our family is my brother-in-law!

17. Girls, choose husbands with brothers! Well, you know, if suddenly something happens to my husband, there will always be backup options…

And Not A Friend, And Not An Enemy…

Brothers are, of course, good. But only as long as the husband does not put their interests above his own! Negative statuses about brother-in-law – let him feel ashamed.

1. Some people carry all sorts of charms around their necks to protect them from evil forces… and my husband drags his brother around his neck!

2. Brothers are, of course, happiness and all that… but not in cases where they are your brother-in-law.

3. And I don’t give a damn what everyone says. My brother-in-law is an animal, he must be kept in a cage!

4. My husband is a younger brother. As a result, all his life he tries to imitate elders in everything. And his older brothers are still a**holes!

5. You know, in families, younger brothers always get the best. Nobody helped me and my husband in any way, but his younger brother was bought an apartment and got a job…

6. I love my husband’s relatives! They are all so cool when they don’t remind me of their existence…

7. Previously, experience and toys were passed from older brothers to younger brothers, but now brothers transfer accounts from online games to each other…

8. Sometimes it seems to me that the only thing my brother-in-law needs is a new iPhone.

9. Younger brothers can live up to a hundred years, but they will still remain younger brothers…

10. Brothers come and go, but the husband stays!

11. My brother-in-law has a birthday, for four hours now we have been trying to choose a gift for him…

12. No matter how a**hole your brother-in-law is, your husband will still love him.

13. How many years have we lived, and my husband still, when his brother arrives, expects that he will give him tasty treats…

14. My husband and I decided to go on vacation, got together for a long time, planned… at the last moment, the mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and his son decided to go with us. Wonderful, damn it.

15. I sometimes have the feeling that I’m not married to my husband, but to his brother. For the word of a brother is law even in our house…

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